Well, so much for living with the woodchucks. They are not team players. I had to chase one out of the garden, and another dug under the workshop floor and emerged inside the building. Hubby was not amused.
I can't say as I blame him. Hubby has been spending most of his free time trying to fence the critters out of all the places we don't want them, but they always find another way. Hubby has exercised amazing restraint for a man who owns a 22.
So here's the new plan:
Operation Chuck the 'Chucks
1. Trap them.
2. Blindfold them.
3. Drive them around in circles for a while to confuse them.
4. Take them to the back of our own property, about a quarter mile from the house, and release them.

Our first attempt at trapping was a miserable failure. The chucks were too light to trip the trap, even with two of them in it, so basically we were just feeding them carrots.
Hubby created a wooden plank to weight the mechanism and tried again. The chucks still bounced in and out of the trap all day. Hubby dutifully replenished the carrot supply and continued to fiddle with the cage. By the time we caught one, the chuck was too stuffed from all the food to care.

The "blindfold" in place, Hubby set off to drive around in aimless circles for a while, then let the little varmint loose back in the woods. It wandered off peacefully and, we hope, will settle in back there. Had the trap worked better, all of them would have been released together the same day. We're hoping to reunite the little gang of outlaws next weekend.