Five little cucumber seeds. That's all we planted. And now we're getting about this many cucumbers Every. Freakin'. Day. I don't know about you, but I can't eat 'em that fast.
I have added them to salads, made cucumber salad, and cubed them as snacks. I have sent bags of them to the office with Hubby to be foisted upon unwary coworkers.
I have rummaged out my old pickle recipe from my early, more enthusiastic homemaking years. After a quick review of it, I have concluded that I must have been out of my mind back then. Also, I have no idea where the wire basket thingy for the canning pot went. Also, we are not that crazy about pickles.
Somehow, I always forget about this part of having a garden. Everything comes in at once, creating a glut of delicious, fresh, organic produce and a pile of guilt for being unprepared to deal with it. So yeah. Mother Nature has been very, very good to us this year. Damn it.

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