I'm still half thrilled and half terrified. We spent the whole day there, the hubby mowing weeds and me exploring nooks and crannies, airing the place out and deciding on paint colors. Now, at last, this is beginning to feel real.

There are some fairly major things that still need doing, foremost among them being pumping out the septic tank and putting in a radon remediation system in the basement. I'll need kitchen appliances, too, which is a whole other post. But I'm excited about all the possibilities of life in the country.
The really nice thing about this place is the variety. There are irrigated open spaces for growing things, a fenced pasture and barn, plus acres of woods and a pond.

Oh yeah. This is gonna be fun.
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(Click photos to enlarge.)
Oh my gosh ... I love your new look and I love your new house and I hope you will be so very happy there!
The photos are just wonderful of the house, the property, the mushrooms.
You'll get the bluebird photos. I was so excited to have some here in January! Two years in a row now. They don't stay long, but they pop in on a nice sunny day.
They really are a sight to behold.
Oh, WOW ! Congratulations on your new place. It is great to live in the country. - And you have a pond too - that is wonderful! Hope we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future, since we both live in the country and have ponds
Your pics of your house & property are great and I love the mushroom photos. Blessings to you. GG :)
Hiya MM,
that's not a pond, that's a lake!
Oh how wonderful, and I love the looks of your house.
Getting to know you:
As you can see, I am starting at the beginning:-)
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