Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nature Notes: Chucking the 'Chucks

Well, so much for living with the woodchucks. They are not team players. I had to chase one out of the garden, and another dug under the workshop floor and emerged inside the building. Hubby was not amused.

I can't say as I blame him. Hubby has been spending most of his free time trying to fence the critters out of all the places we don't want them, but they always find another way. Hubby has exercised amazing restraint for a man who owns a 22.

So here's the new plan:

Operation Chuck the 'Chucks
1. Trap them.
2. Blindfold them.
3. Drive them around in circles for a while to confuse them.
4. Take them to the back of our own property, about a quarter mile from the house, and release them.


Our first attempt at trapping was a miserable failure. The chucks were too light to trip the trap, even with two of them in it, so basically we were just feeding them carrots.

Hubby created a wooden plank to weight the mechanism and tried again. The chucks still bounced in and out of the trap all day. Hubby dutifully replenished the carrot supply and continued to fiddle with the cage. By the time we caught one, the chuck was too stuffed from all the food to care.

Off to a New Home

Operation Chuck the 'Chucks

The "blindfold" in place, Hubby set off to drive around in aimless circles for a while, then let the little varmint loose back in the woods. It wandered off peacefully and, we hope, will settle in back there. Had the trap worked better, all of them would have been released together the same day. We're hoping to reunite the little gang of outlaws next weekend.

   Visit Michelle's blog, Rambling Woods, for more Nature Notes


eileeninmd said...

I have a couple of woodchucks here, If you would like to help. Oh, and a raccoon. I hope it works and they will stay away now. Have a happy day!

eileeninmd said...

I have a couple of woodchucks here, If you would like to help. Oh, and a raccoon. I hope it works and they will stay away now. Have a happy day!

Rambling Woods said...

Wow... I really admire your efforts not to resort to lethal action....I hope everyone ends up happier in the end... Michelle

MyMaracas said...

Eileen, supposedly they have to be relocated miles away or they come back. We're hoping these are too young to figure out where the house is, since they can't see it from behind the woods.

Michelle, I hope so too! We've given it our best shot.

Daryl said...

i hope this works ...

Karen said...

Wow, your hubby is a patient guy! Kudos to you both. Hope it works!

Donna said...

What a sweet way to deal with them...they can be somewhat obstinate when trying to get them to comply...we actually have a black one in the woods at work...

Carver said...

I hope this is a success and they saunter off somewhere that they can't cause mischief.

Cheryl said...

One down, six to go.

NatureFootstep said...

interesting story. :) Hope it all turns out well.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a challenge! I wish you all the best in this venture!

MyMaracas said...

LOL Cheryl! It sounds pretty daunting, doesn't it?

Thanks, everyone for the well-wishes. We can use the encouragement.

simply bev said...

I hope it works out! Good for you both for going the extra mile to rehome them. Bravo!