The rules are to pick up and post the award and to pass it along to six deserving recipients. With so many of my favorite blogs looking gorgeous in autumn colors right now, this is going to be eeeeeeeeasy.
Rambling Woods is a good choice, with beautiful photos and and almost daily updates on the seasonal changes around the pond.
Then there is Carly at Ellipsis. Carly LIVES for autumn. You're likely to find a touch of fall there any time of year.
Ellen at The Happy Wonderer has got it goin' on, with pumpkins, kids, and Halloween decorations galore.
Work of the Poet, home of Mary's "Ruby Tuesday" meme is featuring Halloween this week.
The order of the day is autumn leaves and country fun over at Five Green Acres.
And finally, a neat blog I've recently found, Our Little Acre. There you'll find a nifty corn maze, among other great fall stuff. I guess I'll have to come out of lurk mode and introduce myself over there... ::Running a comb through my hair and checking my jeans for rips in Bad Places::
Congratulations! I just came from Wishnik Woods!
Hi Vicki :)
Awww. Shucks ma'am, you are gonna make me blush! Thanks darlin, you are one of a few people who really understands my love for all things autumn. It's a pleasure to share it with you! You have such a wonderful blog, and I always look forward to seeing what graphics and photos you will choose around the holidays to to make it more festive! You have a great eye for detail, I am always at home here!
Thanks again Sweetie!
Hi Naturegirl! I stopped by your place and left a comment today. You have a beautiful blog!
And carly, m'dear, you know I love it when you visit. You're always a welcome guest! And yes, I do understand about fall. We're in sync that way. ;-)
Mymaracas, thank you very much for the award. I will post it and send it on to other friends...I really appreciate it! :)
I'll bet you thought I was never going to get around to picking this up, didn't you? I agree, I'm late, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the gift! I absolutely do! And I'm also glad you came out of hiding. No need to spruce up for me! You should see what I look like most days around here. LOL.
I'm going to have to do some browsing around Havenwood! I have a feeling I'm going to have a very good time!
Teach, you are so welcome. I love your blog!
And Kyle, it's nice to meet you! I'm honored that you stopped by to claim your award. I promise to stay de-lurked. ;-)
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