About that creamed dandelion recipe from last time ... as the hubby said he doesn't like creamed ANYthing, I skipped it and went straight to tossing the greens into the salad. The hubby did not object and the son never knew the difference, so I'm calling it a success.
As you can see from the one little sprig that wasn't eaten, it's very small and pretty and tender when it first comes up. It's a little bitter, similar in taste to arugula. I like it, and I plan to use it on a regular basis.
Leora and Daryl commented that they've eaten nasturtiums. If I can get my hands on some seeds, I'll try growing those. And EG CameraGirl has actually made jelly from dandelion blossoms! So see? Not so nutty after all, huh. Next stop: Ramsons and, with a lot of luck, morel mushrooms. We probably have some of each in the woods by now.
In other news, I discovered two new wildflowers on the property while cleaning up the edge of the woods: Slender Toothwort, which as far as I can determine has never been particularly useful...

And Bloodroot, which has been used for medicine and dye (Here's a link for more on that.) ...

Look closely and you'll see three stages of the bloodroot. In the lower right corner, notice the tightly closed leaves? The blossom is inside. In the upper left corner you can see the leaves opening to reveal the bud. And the open flower, obviously, is in the middle. The root has a brilliant red juice inside, hence the name.
I hope to get out tomorrow and see what's new in the north woods, now that the weather is warm. I'll let you know what I find.

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