It's Save the Frogs Day, and in honor of the event I'm posting a snapshot of the kind we see most often around the wet areas of the yard. No clue what kind they are, but it's a joy to hear them sing.
There's also a tiny green one that likes to hang out on the milkweeds in summer, and I suspect there are several others. We hear a cacophony of different voices in the spring, but somehow I can never spot them.
I don't know a lot about frogs, but Michelle does. Check out her blog for lots of great information: Rambling Woods.
P.S.: Factoids: Frogs breathe through their skins as well as lungs, and they can see up, down, and straight ahead at the same time. What do you suppose that's like?
what great photos.... they camouflage so well don't they?
Great photos, I like to sit on my deck and listen to them.
Up, down and straight ahead, all at once? That is something I never knew. Fascinating!
Sometimes I don't want to see what I'm looking at straight on...can't imagine having to worry about all around at the same time.
We have frogs in our little pond who sing up a storm every spring then hunt quietly all summer for their meals. I took a lot of photos of them this spring while they were 'active.'
Here is one of my favorites.
With vision like that, I think they sound like mothers. :)
Great picture, I don't know how you got it. I hear all the cheeps and trills in my back yard. I walk outside and they shutup all at once. I go back inside the house, the whole concert starts up again.
Beautiful and fantastic shots !!Loved the beauty !!
Gee..what are those..I have to look them up..and why am I here so late. I have oil slick on the brain....I think it's a wood frog and really good photos..here is what I found..You should add this to the Frog Tote Linky....Michelle
Family: Ranidae, True Frogs view all from this family
Description 1 3/8-3 1/4" (3.5-8.3 cm). Pink, tan, or dark brown, with prominent dark mask ending abruptly behind eardrum. Light stripe on upper jaw; sometimes light line down middle of back. Dorsolateral ridges prominent. Dark blotch on chest near base of each front leg. Belly white, may have dark mottling. Toes not fully webbed; male has swollen thumbs.
A series of short raspy quacks.
Breeding Early spring, before ice has completely melted from water. Egg masses are attached to submerged vegetation
Habitat Moist woodlands in eastern areas; open grasslands in western; tundra in the far north.
Range Widespread throughout northern North America.
Discussion The only North American frog found north of the Arctic Circle. Primarily diurnal. In the colder parts of its range, the Wood Frog is an explosive breeder. Swarms of pairs lay fertilized eggs within 1 or 2 days, then disappear into the surrounding country. It may venture far from water during summer, and hibernates in forest debris during winter.
Suzi, they do indeed. The Hubby spotted this one - somehow I can never see them, though there must be hundreds of them.
Eileen, me too!
Bobbie, I just found that out online. Kinda crazy, huh.
Rebecca, that photo is absolutely amazing. You must have been in the water with the frogs to get that!
Caron, you made me laugh with that comment! Moms do have to have eyes in the backs of our heads, don't we.
Life, the same thing happens to me. It's very frustrating when you're out there trying to find them for photos.
Rajasthan, Glad you liked the photos. Thanks for stopping by!
Michelle, thanks for the information! It's nice to know what I'm lookin' at. LOL
I LOVE frogs! Great captures of these sweet little creatures!!
Great shots !!Very nice !!
Wonderful photographs of the frogs and great information for save the frog day.
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