Havenwood Welcoming Committee
At long last we are officially, irrevocably moved in. And now that I'm here, I can't figure out what took me so long.
Friday, my brother in law and his wife arrived with a van, a fresh load of enthusiasm, good humor, and that family's typically boundless energy. Their arrival was like the sun breaking through storm clouds.
By the end of the day on Saturday, the four guys had packed, loaded, moved, unloaded, and set up all the big pieces, and we women had done the same with the contents of the kitchen and dining areas. My sister in law's goal was to have everything put away by quitting time, and to have no boxes left lying around. Due mostly to her determination and stamina, that's exactly where we stood at day's end. The place actually looks like a home now, and is organized well enough to be comfortable.
We topped things off with a well-deserved dinner at a local steak house. We hadn't been out to a restaurant dinner since we took on the new mortgage, and it felt like a real treat.
Sunday morning we christened the new stove with its first splatters of bacon grease and bread crumbs, and shared a big farm breakfast around our own kitchen table. We watched the deer between sips of coffee and laughter.
Errands, sorting, and rearranging occupied most of Sunday and Monday. There's a lot more stuff to sort through at the old place, but none of it is necessary. It can come over in small batches as we get to it, if it comes over at all. Goodwill may be in for quite a windfall.
Pilot Son has decided to try staying in the old house alone for a while, and is considering buying it from us. That could work out to be a win-win for all of us, given the current housing market.
Funny, isn't it, how dreading a thing can take more energy than the actual doing of it. And in the end, sometimes, if you're really lucky, it turns out there really wasn't anything to dread in the first place. It's been a long, long journey to get here. A whole lifetime, in fact. But it feels like we've finally come home.
What a lovely way to discover you're home.
Congratulations!!...You sound so content now...that's good! Isn't family great?! Hope your son purchases your other home, you're right, with the housing market, that would be great. Can't get a better welcoming commitee than who welcomed you...well, except maybe a few dragonflies!
Oh, I am so happy for you that the move went well and you felt immediately that you were home.
It's true, I do better with teamwork. :) I have to set little goals for myself or would accomplish nothing. Glad you're all settled. :)
sounds like a great move, just remember to pace yourself.
Aww..I am happy for you. The hard part is over and now you can start making new memories...
Lovely welcoming committee. Your family sounds wonderful. I hope that you enjoy your new home.
Thanks for all your kind comments, everyone, and for checking in on me. Things are indeed looking up, though we're a long way from settled.
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